Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Generating value in the economy while creating jobs and revenues are the ultimate aim of every business in the world. America is at the forefront of value creation and entrepreneurs are innovation oriented individuals. Building on a groundwork of hard work and ideas, American entrepreneurs are talk of the town. Every business brings a fresh set of financial challenges to deal and the only way is being fundamental in the approach to solution. Accounting is the cornerstone of any financial structure of an entrepreneur business model and understanding it is the key to unrivaled success.

Accounting is the base of any financial plan and being well-versed with unlocks the door of unrivaled success in the world.

Advantages of Outsourced Bookkeeping Accounting:


  • Predict the future with the help of numbers from the present.
  • Making effective schedules in order to deliver the goods and services at a larger and more efficient scale.
  • Measure and reassess the progress while finding out inherent flaws and highlight positive news.


Key Accounting fundamentals to be aware when initiating the bookkeeping and accounting services:

  1. Income Statement

Business transactions will explode with the rise in business and it makes optimum sense to keep track of the income streaming in. Income is further divided into sales and tax income. The statement will further have the expenses tab including purchases, employees, Depreciation, Interests, Tax expenses.

  1. Balance Sheet

The balance sheet collects assets and liabilities resulting from past transactions. Balance sheet comprises of assets like fixed assets, Trade receivables, VAT asset, Inventory and cash. Liabilities can be classified as in Trade payables, Provisions, VAT liability, Debt and equity.

  1. Cash flow statement

The cash flow statement describes the change in cash from one period to next period. The operating cash flow displays the cash in-flow and out-flow associated to your corporate business.

World of business is complex as the firms try to notch new growth margins and trajectory for the unrivaled success. Outsourced Bookkeeping understands the needs and demands of the financial spectrum and works tirelessly to provide the best services for the companies across the America with the wide range of comprehensive services for the entrepreneurs and small medium firms. Outsourced Accounting services are the allure for firms looking to streamline their accounting worries thus leading to efficiency.

Key services offered by Outsourced Bookkeeping:


  • Providing a wide array of CPA accounting services at a competitive price leading to efficiency and cost cutting for the firms.
  • With a wide accessibility and communication medium open for the clients to connect, 24/7*365 days is the service guaranteed.
  • Time is the premium here as we take care of every small stuff for the overall benefit of the clients in the small space of time.


Entrepreneurs can strive towards growth while Outsource Bookkeeping take care of Accounting and Bookkeeping with full focus.
