Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Accounts Payable Services

The key to achieve business success, no more is a secret nowadays. Irrespective of the nature of your business all the entrepreneurs are required to follow certain financial records to keep track of the money coming in and going out of their business. This robust technique to be followed to keep everything in check is nothing but Bookkeeping activity.

We the Outsourced Bookkeeping is the best provider of accounting and bookkeeping services. We serve all the small and medium business organization along with companies and CPA firms. For any organization, bookkeeping is a crucial part of their day to day back office operations. This is an important activity as well. No business house can ignore keeping records.

These tasks constitute the solid basis of your small business accounting system.

Outsourced Bookkeeping is featured with the top-notch standards of excellence. You will definitely get an excellent service of real-time access and all time customer support desk. We have a chat support team to help our customers in getting their queries resolved. Our smart team is always ready to help you out by giving you all technical and nontechnical support. We provide the customized services as per your requirement by adding to bookkeeping, the payroll, accounts payable, tax preparation or any other related service. Just check out our best below provided services:

Financial Statements

Financial statements are the formal business record of a company. The purpose of recording the financial activities of the business is to know the solvency of an organization. Financial statements are nothing but the structural form of a summarized report to know the financial health of the business in an easy way.

We prepare all your financial statements and reports required for your business. You just need to send us your raw business data. The statements are the formal record of the financial activities and position of a concern.

Financial statements are the all-important reports of a business. We provide you with all the important reports necessary for your organization including customized reports required to make important business decisions. Our reports are simple to understand and easy to interpret. Persons having no specialized knowledge of the subject can also understand our reports very easily.

All the organizations are expected to prepare the financial statements once a year. It includes making of the income statement, cash flow statement, and the balance sheet of the organization.

Income statement depicts the profit earned or loss suffered by the business.

Cash flow statement speaks the inflow and outflow of cash to the business.

The balance sheet shows the financial health of the organization.

The significance of preparing the Financial Statement

The financial statements are the documents which describe the overall financial solvency of the business. Creditors and investor can evaluate the firm’s ability to repay loans depending on such report. An entrepreneur can take important business decision basing upon it. In short, you can know all about the business, the sources from where the business is generating cash and the activities where the business spending cash. Thus it helps you to understand if the business is a profitable one.

All the businesses are required to prepare the financial statements as per the legal compliances. Starting with the customers, investors, creditors, competitors to the government, all the parties are interested in the financial report of a business.

Preparation of financial statement needs certain expert skill as well as knowledge about the accounting standard. We assured you an error-free timely work from our side. We have a dedicated team of accounting professionals to help you out. We use general accountancy language which can be easily followed by all.

All that you need is to send your raw business accounting information to us. We have a trained team of skilled accounting professional well equipped to prepare all your financial reports and bookkeeping activities. Our best services include:

Preparation of several books of accounts

Recording bills payments and bills receivables,

Preparation of P/L account

Balance Sheet

Annual Income Statements

Customized Business Reports

Accounting and bookkeeping services need utmost precision and accuracy. For some it is monotonous but it is crucial as well. The in-house staff finds it more time to consume as it requires a lot of attention and everything has to be done in an organized way.

So apart from knowledge and skill, it needs Lots of time and effort to maintain everything in a perfect manner. Any small mistake or miss-out may lead to a disaster and you may land up with a big financial loss.

The business owners of small firms and start-up are the busiest persons on the planet. They do not have any social life or mental peace. They always keep on thinking about their business development and the busy in exploring the ways implement innovation for the best utilization of the available resources. However, as the business grows they find it difficult to manage the increased business activities with the available workforce. Here comes unsteadiness to the business for which the profit and reputation of the organization suffer the most.

Usually, with the increased load of heavy transactions of the growing business, the internal staff gets overloaded. There is a chance of the staffs to leave the job due to the heavy work pressure. Often the increased volume of work affects their level of accuracy as well. Ultimately for all these reasons, it is the business and the profit which suffers the most.

It is the duty of the organization to follow a proper work culture and an effective accounting process. The in-house accounting team may not able to manage the increased accounting functions at the peak business sessions. That is the reason dynamic entrepreneurs look for a smart way out.

So the most advisable piece of information for all the business owners nowadays is to take up the new challenges in the industry. Organize the things and manage the upsurge in the work effectively. The best way of doing the things is outsourcing. Thus you can manage the heavy workload, satisfy your customer and can earn a nice amount of profit. This is the reason many entrepreneurs prefer to outsource their accounting and bookkeeping activities to an outsourced company. This helps them to focus more on their core businesses activities.

Recent day business world needs innovation in the process, which need effort and initiative of the business owner. Through outsourcing the day to day accounting task you can get more time to focus on doing the best in the context of your business. Of course, you will get a very good timely service, better infrastructure, smooth functionality, expert suggestion and accurate reporting. I short you will get an overall control over your business.

We can help you in the following aspects

  • Reducing the business operation cost.
  • Freeing up the in-house staff.
  • Adding value to your services.
  • A better guidance for strategic business decision making.
  • Smooth management move.
  • Mental peace to business owner.
  • Concentrating on the core business activity.
  • A complete control over the business.
  • Availability of latest infrastructure.
  • Safeguarding clients records confidential.
  • Access to best tools and expert help.
  • Keep your life easy with no business worry.

We the Outsourced Bookkeeping are the pioneer member in the bookkeeping industry. You will get most benefited hiring our best business assistance. We feel pride by offering you the best accounting and bookkeeping services

Cost effective – Many entrepreneurs think outsourcing is an expensive affair. But it is not true. Outsourcing your bookkeeping activities saves you from many business expenses like recruitment expenses, salary to staff, and other employee benefits like bonus, perks, and insurance. We can assure you a cost-effective service best suitable to your budget.

Time Service – Our accurate and timely work can save you paying fines and various other financial penalties. We maintain a 100 percent accuracy level.

Increased Business Performance – Implementing outsourcing you will get a better service where you can maintain a proper record keeping activity. You can satisfy your customers and can maintain a better public relation. Your creditors get paid on time, you are able to understand how your regular expenses are influencing the profitability of the business and your invoices will be cleared at the correct time.

Adding value to your organization – Through hiring outsourcing service you can maintain a greater customer relation. By delegating the work you can have more time to create new ideas helpful for business growth and expansion and revenue generation. Thus you can do some brand building activity for your business reputation.

Add dynamism to your business – For many companies, the core reason for delegating the task is to reduce the operating cost while in addition to that you will get an expert service to get hands-on accuracy, better expert business service, and timeliness, the economy in operation and better customer satisfaction. Think differently about your competitors. Change your business dimension as per the industrial need.

So we advise you to consider outsourcing bookkeeping and accounting activities for the smooth running of your business. In this way, you can build a good rapport with your customer. A better customer relationship will increase your business goodwill for sure. So shoulder your business burden to us. We are your true business partners. Thus you can able to achieve your business objective in a very short span of time. Do try the advanced technique, implement outsourcing and go seamlessly. Time is money. Understand the value of time. Deploy your managerial time and resources in the best possible way to get most of it.

We provide customized Bookkeeping financial statements including balance sheet and income statement within 8 days after closing of each month. The reports are customized according to your requirements. The following is the illustrative but not exhaustive list of some reports provided by us:

Income Statement (profit and loss account)

Balance Sheet

Cash Flow / Budgeting

Accounting Financial Statements & Reports

Monthly, Quarterly, Year-End Review

Business Financial Statements analysis

Current v Budget report

We are also providing back office bookkeeping services to CPAs, Accounting Firms, Small to mid-size Businesses across USA from India since 2004 successfully.

Outsourced Bookkeeping Services include…

  • Reconcile your bank account
  • Maintain and Record Accounts Receivable
  • Maintain and Record Accounts Payable/Bill Paying
  • Maintain your general ledger
  • Generate Financial Reports

These tasks serve the basis and lay a strong foundation of your small business accounting environment. You can provide us instructions as to specify your requirement so that we may serve to your customized requirements to serve you better.

These tasks serve the basis and lay a strong foundation of your small business accounting environment. You can provide us instructions as to specify your requirement so that we may serve to your customized requirements to serve you better.
