Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Accounts Receivable and Business Collections Trends for 2023

Accounts receivable and business collections are essential components of any business. As the year 2023 approaches, new accounts receivable trends and collection strategies will become increasingly important to ensure a healthy cash flow and financial stability. This blog will provide an overview of accounts receivable trends in 2023 and discuss ways businesses can take advantage […]

4 Bookkeeping Practices That Must Be Never Ignored

Being a remote accounting firm that specializes in bookkeeping services we regularly work with businesses that need to optimize their bookkeeping functions for better performance. In 100+ cases we have worked on so far, there tends to be a few common mistakes which when prevented could have saved hundreds of working man-hours and dollar. Any […]

5 Reasons Why Startup Businesses Need To Outsource Their Bookkeeping & Accounting Services

Keeping accurate financial records not only give you greater visibility of current position but also helps entrepreneurs discover more opportunities for business growth. But more importantly, solid bookkeeping and accounting sheds light on the possible financial risks and helps entrepreneurs control unnecessary expenses. Bookkeeping & Accounting for Startups– Not Easy to Juggle: Bank statements, credit […]
