Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Outsourcing is a new concept to the business industry. It has come to the picture during the last few decades. Now the entrepreneurs and business people are taking it in a very positive way. It is a global phenomenon which has expanded its way in the industry. In the modern scenario, the demand for BPO services is increasingly mounting day by day, especially for the developed countries. There are reasons for that. If you go into the matter a bit more you can see the things.

Firstly the big organizations have lots of accounting activity to do as there turnover and productivity is more. The other cause of considering outsourcing is the increased wage rate of the accounting professional there. That is the reason the like to shift the burden of their business responsibility to India where they can easily get the accounting and bookkeeping BPO services at a remarkably low rate.

Now it is the time to identify your unique business need and delegate your share of business task of accounting, tax calculation, preparation of income statement and all to the expert people in the industry.

Today India is unquestionably becoming the hub for large and skilled human resources. The country has earned major success for its talented professional in the field of accounting and bookkeeping. It’s their inherent strengths. Many big countries like the US consider India as their outsourcing destination to delegate their business activity.

The other advantage is the difference of time zone. It’s a day in India when the US is experiencing night time. This 12 hours difference enables the Us people to take the most utilization of resources. You can work with your in-house staff for daytime and get the things done from India at night. Thus you can operate 24/7 and increase your productivity.

Indian workforce is proficient in English. There will not be any language issue while dealing with the Indian for the native speakers. It can be treated as an added advantage.

Of course, the core intention of outsourcing the work to India is cost reduction. Financially India is not so much developed. So you can get the best talents and resources there at a very affordable cost as compared to highly developed countries.

It is very important to select a right company for all your business development. If you really want to optimize your business performance, then grab the opportunity. We the Outsourced Bookkeeping have come to reduce your business burden in a cost-effective way. It’s a great opportunity for you to access cost control and reallocate accountability.

We the Outsourced Bookkeeping is the best-trusted market player in the finance area. We are experienced, reliable and skillful. We suggest you take the decision to outsource your business activity to free up you and your in-house staff from the extensive business workload. This will help you to work on the future strategic organizational development plan for your business growth.

Do not forget to follow some checkpoints while selecting an outsourcing company for your business.

  • The company should have a pool of talented and qualified human resources.
  • They must be having a fair and just payment and package plan.
  • There should be a healthy controlled environment.
  • They should have been following a restricted access of unwanted persons.
  • A good backup & disaster recovery plan should be there to protect client’s financial information.
  • There should be enough safeguarding approach for preserving the confidential data being accessed by unauthorized hands.

It is advisable to outsource the task which takes most of your business time and effort. We provide a wide spectrum of business activity starting from Accounting, Bookkeeping, Tax Preparation, Reconciliation, Financial Statements, Periodic Review and Accounts Payable Service. Let us know your business requirement. You can help you select the services to be delegated. We have expert talent who can guide you in all the aspects. That is why you call us as your business partner. We are just a phone call away from your reach. Make a call and share your business concerns. We will always be there to help you out.

We can cater to the needs of the business people in the area of financial accounts and income tax services. Our best services can reach to all the CPA firms, Small, Medium and Large companies, Non-profit business houses and Individuals operating in the United States of America.

Give life to your business through implementing outsourcing services and avail the benefits of increased sale, improved productivity, greater revenue, enhanced customer relationship, more saving and ultimately a bigger profit.

