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Press Release Florida August, 2012 – The director of  https://outsourcedbookeeping.com/  Mr. Sunil Khullar recently expanded their services for the business community in Florida and other states in the East coast of United States. The company provides accounting and financial bookkeeping for your business that will save you 50% compared with regular inland services. Outsourced Bookkeeping will help you with the tedious work of every day’s business including:

1. Downloading of bank statements & check scans

2. Updating your transactions in QuickBooks from bank statements

3. Daily reconciliation of transactions and payments

4. Updates of accounts receivable and account payables for retail business or any corporations including:  rentals management, condominium and other.

5. Provide easy accounting and outsourced bookkeeping services for non-profits.

6. Updates of payments received through Paypal, bank statements and deposits in checking accounts.

7. Bank statement reconciliation for LLC, Corporations or consultants.

Outsourced Bookkeeping can become the virtual accounting division for your business, or if you are an accounting firm, a CPA looking for an extra hand, we will join your auditing team to complete the financials and balance sheets review for you. This type of outsourcing services will increase the overall efficiency of your business operations.

“We can be in your office live thanks to the latest technologies like Skype, Logmein, Gotomypc.com and Teamviewer, and other software that allow us to be virtually in your office” said Mr. Khullar!

All our employees are Certified Accountants and follow the same international accounting rules that companies have in the United States. These standards and practices create consistency and accountability throughout your company.

Our company has the vision, talent, customers and internal processes in place to serve as a strong example to others in their same market and industry.

We can work at night while you go home and rest. Later, the next morning you will have the job done.

Business located in Florida in cities like: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Hialeah, Fort Lauderdale, Tallahassee, Gainesville, Clearwater will benefit for the accounting and payroll services that they can provide.

To request more information about their services please contact us at 1-305-831-9727 Email : info@outsourcedbookeeping.com
Website : outsourcedbookeeping.com

Resources : BusinessFinance.com Tsection.com
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